Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The "Ask"

I sent out an e-mail to friends and family today. Not everyone I know, but just those I thought might be likely to help this along by donating to Sleeping Children to buy a bedkit or two. I will match their gifts with my own. My fundraiser friends call this "The Ask."

This is something new for me, and I was a bit hesitant, wondering how the recipients would react. But I figured "What the heck, might as well find out." Already heard from several of them, so maybe it went down OK.

If you would like to help out, please go to the donation page.

If you're game to help out, you need to:

1. Do it now, so your bedkit gets put into the Bangladesh distribution.

2. Clearly state when you make your donation that it is for Bangladesh.

I'll be there handing that kit directly to a child, and I'll be telling her or him that it came from my friend back in Canada. And we'll snap a picture for you so you can see the smile, too.

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